「Illumina flow cell」熱門搜尋資訊

Illumina flow cell

「Illumina flow cell」文章包含有:「ExploreIlluminasequencingtechnology」、「HiSeq3000HiSeq4000SequencingSystems」、「IlluminaPatternedFlowCell簡介」、「IlluminaSequencingTechnology」、「NovaSeq6000SystemSpecifications|Output」、「PatternedFlowCellTechnology」、「SequencingReagents&FlowCells」、「Whichsequencersusepatternedvs.nonpatternedflowcells?」

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Explore Illumina sequencing technology
Explore Illumina sequencing technology


Find Illumina instrument-specific sequencing kits, reagents, flow cells, and more. View Reagents · Patterned Flow Cell Technology. Maximum Throughput. See how ...

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HiSeq 3000HiSeq 4000 Sequencing Systems
HiSeq 3000HiSeq 4000 Sequencing Systems


Patterned flow cells contain billions of nanowells at fixed locations (Figure 2). The structured organization of the flow cell provides for even cluster spacing ...

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Illumina Patterned Flow Cell簡介
Illumina Patterned Flow Cell簡介


作者:吳上豪/有勁生物科技Flow cell是含有管道的一片玻璃,能提供空間給定序樣品在其中擴增產生叢集(cluster),可說是Illumina定序的主要舞台; ...

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Illumina Sequencing Technology
Illumina Sequencing Technology


Sequencing templates are immobilized on a proprietary flow cell surface (Figure 1) designed to present the DNA in a manner that.

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NovaSeq 6000 System Specifications | Output
NovaSeq 6000 System Specifications | Output


*Specifications based on Illumina PhiX control library at supported cluster densities. **Maximum read length. Reads Passing Filter Per Flow Cell. NovaSeq ...

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Patterned Flow Cell Technology
Patterned Flow Cell Technology


Patterned flow cells use distinct nanowells for cluster generation to make more efficient use of the flow cell surface area. This advanced flow cell design ...

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Sequencing Reagents & Flow Cells
Sequencing Reagents & Flow Cells


Find cluster generation and sequencing reagent kits, flow cells, and buffers specifically tailored to each Illumina sequencing system.

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Which sequencers use patterned vs. nonpatterned flow cells?
Which sequencers use patterned vs. nonpatterned flow cells?


For any feedback or questions regarding this article (Illumina Knowledge Article #7786), contact Illumina Technical Support [email protected].